How to Loose Weight

This topic is very popular among girls. I am sure that most of the girls in this world make a new year resolution is to loose weight. Me too. But I feel like I never succeed years before so that’s why for this year I have a strict diet but I don’t make my self-suffering over the diet, I make it fun instead, no pressure but still on the commitment. To loose weight doesn’t mean that you don’t love to your body or content with your body. For me the purpose of diet is to be healthier, so if this year I would be slimmer it’s okay at least I have a healthy body because I consume healthy food. I can say that you want to be healthier, fitter, or more to love yourself. But I know you have your own reason to loose weight but I’m hoping that the purpose of loosing weight because you love yourself and your body. So here I am to list down the ways to loose weight; 1. Make a tight commitment to yourself that you won’t to break up this effort to loose weight. Take a not...